RiskNZ Standards Update

By Kristin Hoskin- RiskNZ Management Board Member

Hot off the Press! Although I’ve said numerous times that there are some new publications imminent, now they are finally here (well almost).

AS/NZS5050:2020 Managing Disruption Related Risk
Since March this document has had a lot of effort put into it. The new 5050 is very different to the previous one. While the previous version had a business continuity focus this version has a resilience focus. Written to work well with risk management approaches it is intended to help decision makers identify indicators of disruptive events and work to position their organisations to take best advantage of changes. Its objective is to enhance resilience potential and sustainability of organisations. Print versions have come back from the printers and it is available from the Standards website now.

SA HB 436.1:2020 Risk management guidelines – Companion to AS ISO 31000:2018 Part 1: Boards and executives
The final pre-publication review of this document took place in late August and as with AS/NZ S5050:2020 its is available now. When you see this handbook you will see RiskNZ listed as “Additional Interests” on the inside front cover. Although I am an OB-007 member representing RiskNZ on the committee because this publication is not a joint publication only the Australian based organisations were listed as committee members. Both Australian and New Zealand committee members worked on the content so please treat it as a handbook for both New Zealand and Australian audiences.


You can view the full article here.


This is taken from an article published in the RiskPost November 2020, edition 2.