Accident Compensation Corporation, AGLX Asia Pacific, Airways Corporation of New Zealand, Anchorage Trustee Services, Ando Insurance Group, Aon New Zealand, Arthur J Gallagher & Co (NZ), Auckland Council, Auckland Regional Public Health Service, Audit New Zealand, Aurecon New Zealand, Aurora Energy, Ballance Agri-Nutrients, Bank of New Zealand, Bryan Whitefield Consulting, Callaghan Innovation Research, Camms Group, CHU Underwriting Agencies, Chubb Life Insurance New Zealand, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, Comply With NZ, Department of Corrections, Department of Internal Affairs, Electoral Commission, Environment Southland, Environmental Protection Authority, Everbridge, Far North District Council, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, First Gas, FMG Farmers Mutual Group, Fonterra Co-Operative Group, Fulton Hogan, Genesis Energy, Glia Workplace PsychologistsGovernance New Zealand, Govn365, Gravity Lawyers, Hastings District Council, Hawkes Bay Regional Council, Hi Spec Security, Hutt City Council, Jackson Calder Ltd, Kainga Ora – Homes & Communities, Kapiti Coast District Council, Kora Consulting, Land Information New Zealand, LexisNexis, LexisNexis NZ, MainPower New Zealand, Manulife Investment Management, Forest Management (NZ), Martin Jenkins & Associates, Medical Assurance Society New Zealand, Methodist Church of New Zealand, Milford Asset Management, Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment, Momentum Life, New Zealand Customs Service, New Zealand Police, New Zealand Post, Nomos One, Northpower, NZ Defence Force, NZ Lotteries Commission, Methodist Church of New Zealand, Customs Service, Partners Life, Protecht Group, PwC New Zealand, Rangitikei District Council, Reserve Bank of NZ, Resilient Organisations, Risk Management Institute of Australasia, SBS Bank, Southland District Council, Sport New Zealand, Stellar Library, Sue-lutions, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, Tauranga City Council, Te Pukenga – NZ Institute of Skills & Technology, Te Tumu Paeroa Te Wananga o Aotearoa, Te Whatu Ora Health NZ Hawke’s Bay, The Co-operative Bank, The Treasury New Zealand, The University of Auckland, The Workspace Connection, Tonkin + Taylor, Transpower NZ, TSB Bank, Tuatahi First Fibre, University of Canterbury, University of Waikato, Urban Intelligence, Waimakariri District Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Watercare Services, Z Energy, Zeopard Law, ZESPRI International