Futures Modelling for Next-Gen Risk Management
As the pace and scale of change increases, risk profiles are becoming more complex and interconnected. New Zealand experts across all sectors can benefit immensely from adopting the mindset and the toolkit of a futures practitioner. Futures Modelling is a qualitative approach that employs horizon scanning, identifying and extrapolating trends in different directions, mapping them onto Impact-Uncertainty and Critical Uncertainty Matrixes, and building alternative future scenarios to generate foresight that then feeds directly back into strategy.
With robust foresight we can create a more resilient and proactive business environment, alongside harnessing techniques such as Scenario Narratives as powerful stakeholder-engagement tools. This methodology has traditionally been reserved for national security practitioners and was refined in the hallways of the Pentagon and RAND, but JC Ltd. is committed to making Futures Modelling accessible, and part of the lifeblood of New Zealand business.