The average piece of business advice to an executive takes about 8 hours of time to prepare and only 15 minutes to deliver.
Those 15 minutes simply cannot be wasted.
One of the most common concerns among many internal advisers, including risk managers and practitioners, is how difficult it can be to get business leaders, executives and board members to listen to them and even harder to get them to act on their advice.
RiskNZ is proud to bring the risk community the Persuasive Adviser Program, which has been delivered successfully to full-houses at SOLGM and for Central Government agencies courtesy of NZ Customs recently.
The Persuasive Adviser Program tackles the challenge risk advisers, practitioners and managers have with getting their message and key advice through to their stakeholders.
Join the Persuasive Adviser Program to learn practical tools and techniques that will enable you to influence your stakeholders as a trusted Adviser and have a greater impact on outcomes.
Here is what you will learn in the program:
- How best to stand in the shoes of your stakeholders and internal clients, including the executives and the board.
- How to paint them a picture to clarify and engage.
- How to use stories to connect and inspire.
- How best to ensure you have so much credibility, they cannot help but follow your advice.
Every attendee to the Persuasive Adviser Program will get a complimentary copy of Bryan Whitefield’s book Winning Conversations: How to Turn Red Tape Into Blue Ribbon.
If you would like more details on the Persuasive Adviser Program, please don’t hesitate to write to [email protected].