Beyond the Risk Register

Monday 5 July 2021
12:30 - 1:30pm

Come and share with an intimate group of like-minded professionals to explore an online conversation on Beyond the Risk Register.

About the Event:

Come to this webinar and see if you agree with our views on where the rubber hits the road when it comes to managing risk. It’s important to have policies, frameworks and the evidence of risk assessments, however that doesn’t mean you’re managing it right.

This is for you:

  • you are a risk practitioner and you want to be clear on how to maximise your impact
  • your exec or board are struggling to understand the value your risk program can

Together David Turner, RiskNZ’s Managing Director, and Bryan Whitefield, bring more than 40 years of experience in risk to share with you in this informal, interactive, and highly informative session.

If this sounds like you, register now. David and Bryan look forward to welcoming you.

Date: Monday 5 July 2021
Time: 12:30 – 1:30pm
Price: Free
Location: Zoom

David Turner, Managing Director, RiskNZ

David Turner is a senior business executive and trusted advisor with over 20 years’ experience in risk management and leadership.

David joined the Australian Army and became part of a specialised team where he deployed to East Timor in 1999. After the military David contracted to varied private and government organisations in leadership, risk and project roles. In 2007 he opened his own company that advised on risk management and provided personnel for major projects including: BHPB; RioTinto; Multiplex; Police; Australian Elections and also CHOGM 2011 working with State and Federal Police.

David was born in NZ and returned in 2016 to work on the Transdev Wellington rail network transition. He now lives in New Zealand permanently and has worked with a number of Government and private organisations including: Ministry of Health; KPMG; PWC and Deloitte; New Zealand Transport Agency and Defence. He brings a unique blend of expertise across diverse areas with a focus on risk management of human behavior – one of the more complex, dynamic and often overlooked areas of the industry.

Bryan Whitefield, Bryan Whitefield Consulting (BWC)

Bryan Whitefield is a management consultant and risk specialist with 25 years experience facilitating executive and board workshops across a broad range of industries. He is author of three books – his latest one Risky Business: How Successful Organisations Embrace Uncertainty (#1 Amazon Best Seller) – a certified Chief Risk Officer and designer and trainer of a selection of RiskNZ’s programs.

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